Friday 23 November 2012

Animal Equity Society Meeting #4 & Movie Screening - 'The Cove'

On Thursday, November 29th, we will be having our next group meeting and movie screening. We will be watching 'The Cove' after the meeting. A discussion after the screening is welcome if anyone has questions, comments, or related topics. At the meeting, feel free to ask any questions about the group, bring up ideas, or anything you would like to see included or changed. Hope to see everyone there next Thursday!

Thursday 15 November 2012


Hello everyone!

Welcome to the official blog of the Animal Equity Society. There will be many interesting posts here, including events, news and articles, educational resources, meeting times, and more. Subscribe to our posts to receive updates on new posts and articles. Also, feel free to submit resources, links, Vegetarian/Vegan recipes to our community recipe page, and any questions you might have. All are welcome :)