Books and Media

This is an archive of valuable media resources for anyone interested in various topics, from animal ethics to vegetarian cooking. Resources listed below labelled "copy available" means an Animal Equity Society member has a hard copy that is available to borrow. Please inquire if you are interested in borrowing.


Animal Psychology

When Elephants Weep - Jeffrey Masson   
(copy available)
The Animal Dialogues - Craig Childs    
(copy available)

Animal Rights & Ethics

Animal Liberation - Peter Singer   (3 copies available)
Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat - Howard F. Lyman

The Animal Connection: The Confessions of an Ex-Wild Animal Trafficker - Jean Yves Domalain (copy available)
A Utilitarian Defense of Animal Liberation- Peter Singer (copy available)

Eating Meat and Eating People- Cora Diamond (copy available)
Practical Ethics- Peter Singer (copy available)
Ethics and the New Liberation Movement- Peter Singer (copy available)

Conservation & Research

100 Under 100 - Scott Leslie   (copy available)
Tasmanian Tiger - David Owen   
(copy available)
Through a Window - Jane Goodall    
(copy available)
In The Shadow of Man - Jane Goodall    
(copy available)
Pippa's Challenge  - Joy Adamson (copy available) 
Born Free - Joy Adamson (copy available) 
How The Tiger Lost Its Stipes: An exploration into the endangerment of a species  - Cory Meacham (copy available) 


Evasion - anonymous   
(copy available)
Vegan Freak: Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World - Bob & Jenna Torres
Becoming Vegan: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Health Plant-Based Diet - Brenda Davis
The 80/10/10 Diet - Dr. Douglas N. Graham
Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness: The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant Based Diet - Robert Cheeke   (copy available)
12 Steps to Raw Foods: How to End Your Dependency on Cooked Food - Victoria Boutenko
Raw Food: Formula for Health - Paul Nilson   (copy available)
The Everyday Vegan - Dreena Burtson    (copy available)

Animal Testing, Fur, and Vivisection

The Monkey Wars - Deborah Blum

Vegetarian/Vegan Cook Books

Vegan Bites - Beverly Bennett  (copy available)

The Vegan Cook's Bible - Pat Crocker  (copy available)
Ani's Raw Food Essentials: Recipes & Techniques for Mastering the Art of Live Food - Ani Phyo
1,001 Low-Fat Vegetarian Recipes: Delicious, easy-to-make, healthy meals for everyone - Sue Spitler    (copy available)
The Best-ever Vegetarian Cookbook - Linda Fraser    (copy available)
The Vegetarian Lunch Basket - Linda Haybes   (copy available)
Becoming Vegan: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-Based Diet - Brenda Davis, Vesanto Melina (copy available) 
Vegan Planet- Robin Robertson (copy available)
The Vegan Cookbook- Jane Hughes (copy available)
Sinfully Vegan-Lois Dieterly (copy available) 

Health & Natural Healing

Organic Beauty: Look and Feel Gorgeous, the Natural Way - Josephine Fairly (copy available)
The Green Pharmacy - James A. Duke PH.D    (copy available)

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Vegan Hip-Hop Movement Blog

The Unintentional Vegan
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Podcasts & Radio

Animal rights: the abolitionist approach commentary (podcast)

Animal Voices (podcast and radio) 

the vegan Police (podcast) 

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Music & Videos
Ready to Fall - Rise Against (Music Video)
Vegan Myths Debunked - Jonathan Mann & Ivory King (Music Video)
Quiero Vivir (I Want to Live) - Futuro Vega Pop (Animated Video - English subtitles)
Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death - Dr. Michael Greger M.D.

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