The next meeting will be next thursday and should be fun! we will be making buttons! so if you have any silhouettes that you want AES put on (like the picture here) or have any other ideas for what we could do for buttons then let me know/design something/bring pictures.... whatever you think would make for some good buttons for us. I will print out and bring a bunch of the silhouette type ones as well.
for the movie I have posted a poll on the main facebookgroup page for the meeting next week as well as... the OPIRG screening so please feel free to add any other options as well as vote!!/groups/438281019566256/
I hope you can all make it and invite your friends!
for the movie I have posted a poll on the main facebookgroup page for the meeting next week as well as... the OPIRG screening so please feel free to add any other options as well as vote!!/groups/438281019566256/
I hope you can all make it and invite your friends!

Directions to The Pit
there was no one that goes to the pit.... but if you look til step 9 then the arrow points directly to the door...
And the next week.......
SOO We havent had a potluck in a while now.... so lets all get together, eat good food and relax yeah?
pretty simple, vegan food with an ingredient list and how you made it (then we can add it on the recipes page!) as well as if possible gluten free just to make it so everyone can eat!
pretty simple, vegan food with an ingredient list and how you made it (then we can add it on the recipes page!) as well as if possible gluten free just to make it so everyone can eat!
Thursday March 14th at 7pm at my house (Toby Rowland)
google map to my house: maps?client=opera&oe=utf-8& channel=suggest&q=301+mark +street&ie=UTF-8&hq&hnear= 0x89d58cc6c09bc4f5%3A0x6c1 0ed7210a2c946%2C301+Mark+S t%2C+Peterborough%2C+ON+K9 H+1V5&gl=ca&ei=QiIxUduUIIn QygH65IDwBQ&ved=0CC8Q8gEwA A
google map to my house: