Saturday, 19 October 2013

Two evenings of Critical Animal Studies events in Peterborough, Presented by the Animal Equity Society at Trent University

***Both events begin at 7 pm.***

Monday, October 28th
Maximum Tolerated Dose Screening at Artspace


Maximum Tolerated Dose is the first feature-length documentary by Decipher Films. Equal parts found-footage mash-up, verité investigation, and artful meditation, the film charts the lives of both humans and non-humans who have experienced animal testing first-hand, with hauntingly honest testimony of scientists and lab technicians whose ethics demanded they choose a different path, as well as the simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking stories of animals who have seen both sides of the cage. MTD aims to re-ignite the debate about animal testing by bringing these rarely-heard perspectives to the fore.

more info:

Tuesday, October 29thLecture by Dr. Lauren Corman, Professor of Sociology (Critical Animal Studies) at Brock University

Silence Fiction: Voice, Resistance, and Animal Politics 

This presentation draws on feminist, anti-racist, anti-colonialist, and other liberation-based movements and theories to articulate an approach to animal advocacy that foregrounds agency and resistance. As intersectional analyses are (and should be) increasingly centralized, the move to connect human and animal oppressions is enhanced by representations beyond victimhood and voicelessness. Unfortunately, in part, animals remain strangely erased in coalitional activism that fails to acknowledge the complexity of their lives. Field research on animals' cultures, sociality, and emotionality helps shift this framework. Lessons from a diversity of liberation movements also significantly strengthen such efforts.

"The Japanese public was touched by whale song in a manner far deeper than the Americans, perhaps because whaling was much more relevant to their culture... When he met Kota Hoketsu, chairman of the board of one of the biggest whaling concerns, [whale researcher Scott McVay] played him the song. Hoketsu shook his head solemnly and whispered, 'We didn't know. We didn't know.' He pledged to play the song at the company's next board meeting... Without the effect of [Songs of the Humpback Whale] record on millions of people who heard it, there might never have arisen a movement to save the whales...." - David Rothenberg

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Third meeting!!

Hey Everyone, 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday October 15th at 7pm in the LEC Pit 

directions to the LEC pit: LEC Pit
go to step 10 and its the door to the left

This meeting we will be discussing what Animal Rights mean to each of us, so bring a definition and we will discuss them all and come up with what works for us as a group! 

we will also me planning upcoming events and watching a related movie/documentary. 

Here is also a link to the facebook event page: event page

I also thought maybe you guys would like this :) 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Second meeting of the year!

Here are a couple of posters with the information for the next meeting of the Animal Equity Society!

Come on out and bring your friends - we will be discussing an planning this years events, talking about animal right and watching a related movie after! 

If you can only make it for the movie, or just the meeting or will turn up halfway through then that works too, if you cannot make it but would still like to be involved then just email and we can sort something out :)

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Animal Equity Society 1st meeting of the year!

Hey everyone! 

The first meeting for the Animal Equity Society will be next Wednesday in The Food Forest cafe at 6pm. Everyone is welcome, so bring your friends! we will discussing the events we have planned for this year and we will be screening the movie, The End of the Line, which is all about overfishing. we will have vegan snacks as people always like food! 

the movie trailer: 

This group is open to anyone who is interested in animal rights whether you are an omnivore, vegan, vegetarian, or whatever then come on out!

Also if you cannot make it to the meeting we have the potlucks and we can sort something out if you still want to be involved, just email at and let us know. 

The Food Forest is located at: 641 George Street


We are an all inclusive group based upon the notion of animal rights. We host bi-weekly meetings to discuss and plan projects and events which we will be hosting as well as watching a related movie after the meeting. We also have active meetings and plan on having seminars on various topics during some of the meetings as well. Vegan snacks are also provided. Once a month we host a potluck where we can get together and eat a delicious animal-free meal.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Free Limba photos!

On Saturday June 8th a few of us went and joined the Free Limba protest over in Bowmanville, here are some photos of the protest!

We were glad to be a part of this event and met some great people, for all those in the Peterborough area we will be in contact with some other animal rights groups in the region and will be posting when there are events (protests etc) and will be arranging ride-shares trying to get as many people out to these events as possible.... if you would like to be a part of any of the events that are coming up them please fee free to contact us at and we can make arrangements


There is an event to protest the Shrine Circus in Brampton, Ontario

The Demo times are:

FRI JULY 5 - 6:30PM
SAT JULY 6 - 11:00AM, 3:00PM & 6:30PM
SUN JULY 7 - NOON & 4:00PM
THURS JULY 11 - 6:30PM
FRI JULY 12 - 6:30PM
SAT JULY 13 - 11:00AM, 3:00PM & 6:30PM
SUN JULY 14 - NOON & 4:00PM

AND more information can be found at: Facebook event page

Once again if anyone is interested in going to any of these Demo's then please feel free to contact us and we can try and sort out a group and means of getting there!

if there are any readers who know of other events, demo's, protests etc that they think should be known please contact us and we can post them here....

Children always know what is right and what is wrong
Their moral compasses have not yet been compromised

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Save Limba! Bowmanville Zoo, Ontario - She deserves more!

Limba with Audio Icon

Limba, an Asian Elephant at Bowmanville Zoo in Ontario, Canada, has done enough for us (although she never should have had to in the first place!), and it is now time for her to get a much deserved 'retirement'..... but who better to describe the event more than the creators, below is quoted directly from the Facebook events page:

Activists from across Canada are invited to come and join in being a voice for Limba on IDA's International Day of Action for Elephants. We will be hosting a peaceful demonstration to push for the retirement of Limba, who is the oldest captive elephant in Canada at 50 years. Limba has lived at this zoo since 1985 in cramped conditions and, for the past two years, has lived solitary. She travels hundreds of miles to perform stressful and dangerous circus acts, which no animal should have to endure.
Our goal is to see her retired to a warmer, more spacious sanctuary where she can have the company of other elephants and do things of her own free will. We would like to see her embraced as an individual with desires, not a tool for profit. Signs will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring their own as well. We will also have leaflets and megaphones. It is a rain or shine event so please dress accordingly. 
Our first demonstration was an incredible success, with 80+ supporters. We would like to aim to pass 100 this time! Free Limba!

The link to this page is: Free Limba facebook page - we encourage all who can come out to attend! this page also has information regarding your rights as an activist which are recommended reading in order to be informed of what it is that is that we can do as activists 

This event will be taking place on June 8th from 12-3pm at 340 King St E, Bowmanville, ON

There will be a contingent coming to the event from Peterborough, ON and so if anyone is interest in attending from there then they can contact us at and we may be able to help arrange ride-shares/sort out bus schedules and the like!

The importance of this event for Limba cannot be understated, but it should also be remembered that this is a zoo with many other non-human animals being help captive against their will and that we are responsible for improving their lives, thus our commitment to equity should continue on from Limba's struggle to include the other captives of this zoo as well... 

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Spring-time update and Open the Cages tour!

There has been a bit of a hiatus! but.... we should be back to having regular meetings, potlucks and creating events as summer approaches!

The birds are a-nesting and spring has arrived!
We will be having a potluck/get together within the next couple of weeks, once the date is finalized it will be posted on the calender and facebook page (link here)!

There is going to be an 'Open the Cages' tour in August (more info here and here) which will be stopping in Toronto on the 24th and 25th for a two day event. I thought maybe we could go down to the event as a group? if anyone else in the Peterborough area would like to go then you can contact us at and maybe we could sort out some ride-shares? places to stay the night of the 24th in Toronto?
We can sort out logistics closer to the time but keep an eye out as we get a list of people together and try to get a strong Peterborough-area contingent at the event!

Friday, 1 March 2013


The next meeting will be next thursday and should be fun! we will be making buttons! so if you have any silhouettes that you want AES put on (like the picture here) or have any other ideas for what we could do for buttons then let me know/design something/bring pictures.... whatever you think would make for some good buttons for us. I will print out and bring a bunch of the silhouette type ones as well.

for the movie I have posted a poll on the main facebookgroup page for the meeting next week as well as... the OPIRG screening so please feel free to add any other options as well as vote!!/groups/438281019566256/

I hope you can all make it and invite your friends!
Thursday March 7th at 7pm in the LEC Pit

Directions to The Pit

there was no one that goes to the pit.... but if you look til step 9 then the arrow points directly to the door...
And the next week.......
SOO We havent had a potluck in a while now.... so lets all get together, eat good food and relax yeah?

pretty simple, vegan food with an ingredient list and how you made it (then we can add it on the recipes page!) as well as if possible gluten free just to make it so everyone can eat!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Podcast related to next weeks seminar!

I listened to this Animal Voices podcast th other day and it resonated with what we will be talking about at next thursdays meeting! They interview Will Kymlicka about his book Zoopolis, they discuss the rights of animals and their right to citizenship, sovereign status and other related notions... So I thought it would be a good one to listen to before the seminar, if you have the time, so we can all have a good base from which to have a discussion... It is about an hour long, but thats not too bad when you can listen while on the bus, making food, or whatever else it is you like to do! not that many people probably like taking the bus.... :)

Here is the website where you can either download it or listen to it there: it is the December 11th one called Zoopolis with Will Kymlicka

the other podcasts are great too if you like this one!

Monday, 21 January 2013

Next meeting and seminar on the meaning of 'Rights'

Next meeting!! Everyone is welcome, it is an anti-oppressive space where we can all discuss what Animal Rights means to us on an individual basis, or if you have never really thought about it where better to get an understanding of the issue!

The meeting will be short, seeing what we were able to get done since last meeting (Restaurant survey, aramark food petition, Volunteering at monkey sanctuary, etc)

We will then move onto the Seminar section which will be run by Karena Kyne (Phd Candidate, York University and Anti-Oppression Consultant) on the meaning of 'rights' with regard to animals. There may be an article posted beforehand if you would like to read it so you can start thinking about this topic! it will be in a discussion format where ...people can discuss what they think about the issue, it should be fun and informative, so dont miss out!

I will bring a couple of documentaries as well just in case we still want to watch one after the meeting and seminar..   

The meeting will be held in The Pit (directions below), in Lady Eaton College, at Trent University on the 31st of January at 7pm

If you have any questions feel free to comment, email at , or join our facebook page!

there was no one that goes to the pit.... but if you look til step 9 then the arrow points directly to the door...

Friday, 11 January 2013

First A.E.S. meeting and movie screening of 2013!

Our first meeting of the new year! We are hoping to have lots of new faces out this year to build and continue on the work we started in 2012. We are meeting for the first time since December, after many people made it out to our delicious A.E.S. potluck. At the last meeting we discussed the goal of taking a group trip to an animal sanctuary and brainstormed fundraising ideas for both the animals as well as to fund the trip to volunteer for a day. You can see more about the meeting minutes and topics discussed by requesting to join the mailing list or our Facebook page.

This week marks the sixth meeting where we will be screening the 1981 documentary; The Animals Film, directed by Victor Schonfeld and Myriam Alaux, and narrated by actress Julie Christie.

Before the documentary screening, we will be talking about further progression with the group, discussing any new ideas or questions anyone brings up. Please feel free to join us at Trent University on Thursday, January 17th, 2013 at Lady Eaton College. Anyone can take part and listen to the discussion or ask questions.