Sunday 16 June 2013

Free Limba photos!

On Saturday June 8th a few of us went and joined the Free Limba protest over in Bowmanville, here are some photos of the protest!

We were glad to be a part of this event and met some great people, for all those in the Peterborough area we will be in contact with some other animal rights groups in the region and will be posting when there are events (protests etc) and will be arranging ride-shares trying to get as many people out to these events as possible.... if you would like to be a part of any of the events that are coming up them please fee free to contact us at and we can make arrangements


There is an event to protest the Shrine Circus in Brampton, Ontario

The Demo times are:

FRI JULY 5 - 6:30PM
SAT JULY 6 - 11:00AM, 3:00PM & 6:30PM
SUN JULY 7 - NOON & 4:00PM
THURS JULY 11 - 6:30PM
FRI JULY 12 - 6:30PM
SAT JULY 13 - 11:00AM, 3:00PM & 6:30PM
SUN JULY 14 - NOON & 4:00PM

AND more information can be found at: Facebook event page

Once again if anyone is interested in going to any of these Demo's then please feel free to contact us and we can try and sort out a group and means of getting there!

if there are any readers who know of other events, demo's, protests etc that they think should be known please contact us and we can post them here....

Children always know what is right and what is wrong
Their moral compasses have not yet been compromised

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